Welcome to TSR

This blog was created by three college buddies/sport fanatics, Tim Harrington, Ken Harris and Brenden Regan.

TSR is named after the term the writers used to greet each other "what's up sausages?"

Friday, October 15, 2010

Rebels + Admiral Ackbar = Ewok?

Saucy Gees,

In case any of you haven't been following recent news in the SEC then here's the scoop. Ole Miss changed their mascot from Colonel Reb who has been roaming the sidelines since 1979 to the newly crowned Rebel Black Bear. So let me get this straight: Ole Miss, a school steeped in the lore and tradition of the South changed it's beloved but albeit controversial mascot into a bear? Not just any bear my friends, a black bear. Apparently black bears are indigenous to the Oxford region. Could have fooled me.

You might have recently seen ESPN commercials showing Ole Miss students rallying for Admiral Ackbar of the Star Wars series being petitioned for the position. But due to George Lucas' ego the size of the Death Star, that plan was nixed. And Colonel Reb, hell even Admiral Ackbar were replaced by an Ewok-looking creature.

Looking at this situation as a fan of collegiate athletics, I don't really see the point of getting rid of the mascot that has been synonymous to Ole Miss for years. Yes, getting rid of the Confederate flag was the right move because of its direct ties to the old South. But when I see Colonel Reb, I don't think of a plantation owner, I think of a man dressed in Southern attire that was typical in the Civil War era. But I'm not on the board at Ole Miss or any other school so my opinion doesn't really matter but they could have done better than a bear in a sport coat and tie. I didn't know bears were so academic but I guess you learn something new everyday.

Sausages: Introducing the Ole Miss Black Rebel Bear Ewoks aka "Da Bears"

- KA

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