Welcome to TSR

This blog was created by three college buddies/sport fanatics, Tim Harrington, Ken Harris and Brenden Regan.

TSR is named after the term the writers used to greet each other "what's up sausages?"

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Lineup!

Well Sausages, it all comes down to this. The ultimate movie baseball lineup. This is the piece de resistance. All the hours of searching my movie collection and tinkering and retinkering have combined into the ultimate 1-9. The best hitters and athletes are on display here. Let's jump right into it.

1. Willie Mays Hayes (Major League) CF - "plays like Mays; runs like Hayes". Willie is the quintessential leadoff hitter. Known for his flashy plays and even flashier lifestyle, Hayes was the Indians catalyst.

Willie Mays Hays Slides Short

2. Benny "The Jet" Rodriguez (The Sandlot) SS - by far the best athlete on the team; Benny can play anywhere and everywhere. Only known person to pickle the Beast. Also famous for busting the guts out of a baseball and stealing home for the Dodgers with a sweet moustache (also safe on the play).

3. Roy Hobbs (The Natural) LF - simply a natural. One man said, "you pray he only hits a double". The game came naturally for Roy. I mean, the man played with a gunshot wound in his stomach and is the only known person to strike out the Whammer (aka Babe Ruth). Swung a mythical piece of lumber called Wonderboy.

The Final Homerun

4. Pedro Cerrano (Major League) DH - the VooDoo man. A fan's favorite and the classy guy on the team. Stole our hearts with his "hats for bats" comment, refusal to share JoBu's rum and being allergic to curveballs. The big man with the big bat who has is known for his ability to deliver a clutch homerun.


5. Bobby Rayburn (The Fan) RF - Bobby had it all. The lifestyle, the talent and the love of the fans. That is until DeNiro went psycho and killed John Kruk on the field. But hey, we known Bobby can perform in the clutch shown when he hit an inside-the-parker while his son's life was on the line in a monsoon.

6. Jack Parkman (Major League) 1B - noted badboy, Jack Parkman loves doing his shimmy which has been known to make the women in Cleveland puke. Big-time power hitter with a questionable personality but hey, the guy can rake. Hate/Hate relationship with Jake Taylor.

7. Roger Dorn (Major League) 3B - "Get in from of the damn ball, Dorn! Don't give me this ole, BS". A noted primadonna with a high contract and a playboy lifestyle, Dorn was the highest paid Indian. Frequent clashes with Rick Vaughn ensued but the two later became close. But the guy still won't take a groundball off the chest.

Roger Dorn Oles

8. Jake Taylor (Major League) C - the veteran leader who is the obviously choice behind the dish. Taylor calls a great game and provides veteran leadership to the younger players on the team. Even though his knees are shot, there is no other man I want behind the plate than Taylor...or calling for the bunt which lead the Indians to the ALCS.

9. Michael "Squints" Palledorous 2B (The Sandlot) - a true hero to us all. We never really got to see him display his talents like the others but any man who gets with Wendy Peffercorn belongs in the starting lineup. We know he is crafty as evidenced by the pool scene so a player who is always thinking two steps ahead and isn't afraid to take a risk without regard for public scrutiny is alright by me.

Squints Big Moment

There it is. Don't ask me how long it took. Time to watch the World Series. Be sure to comment on how you believe was omitted from the roster.

Have a good night Sausages,

Go Giants!

- KA

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