Welcome to TSR

This blog was created by three college buddies/sport fanatics, Tim Harrington, Ken Harris and Brenden Regan.

TSR is named after the term the writers used to greet each other "what's up sausages?"

Monday, October 11, 2010

Quick Roundup


Let's cut to the chase here. Excellent sports viewing on TV tonight coupled with some pretty intriguing story lines. Let's breakdown the top two events that are on my plate this evening.

1). Brett Favre's wristwatches vs. The Dirty Sanchez's. I personally circled this on my calendar as soon as I found out Randy Moss was returning to 'Sota and Jenn Sterger worked for the Jets. Don't know which got my attention quicker. Revis is scheduled to start for the Jets which means he'll whine when Moss bombs his island...again. Odds: 5/1 - hamstring 3/1 - ego. But all kidding aside, I'm taking the Jets in a close and hopefully memorable edition of MNF. All the MNF games this season have been good; let's hope that trend continues.

2). Giants vs. Braves. Well, we all know the Brooks Conrad debacle so there is no good beating a dead horse. He might be forced into action because Troy Glaus, yes, TROY GLAUS is starting at third. If he moves to his left or right, he is going down in a heap. I had my money on Air Bud starting at second but Glaus will have to do for now. Bumgarner vs. Lowe (short rest). My first instinct is to take the Braves in such a big game but I wouldn't be surprised if the Giants closed out the series tonight.

P.S. I found Cheech Marin aka Rupesh Shingadia from South London. That, my fellow Sausages, is a moustache.

- KA

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