Welcome to TSR

This blog was created by three college buddies/sport fanatics, Tim Harrington, Ken Harris and Brenden Regan.

TSR is named after the term the writers used to greet each other "what's up sausages?"

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cuban takes on people other than Dick Bevetta

If this happens I will become a Dallas Mavericks fan. Mark Cuban is trying to take down the BCS by himself, with the aid of gobs of gobs and gobs of money. In lieu of being unable to buy a baseball team Mr. Cuban wants to pay schools to be in a 12 or 16 team playoff at the end of the year. He would pay them more than they would make if they were in a single BCS bowl game. The teams seeded higher will get home field advantage which makes the regular season still important. Cuban believes he can make more money doing this than operating a baseball team. It would still be 3 or 4 years away but if someone knows how it get something done, it is Mr. Cuban.

The best thing about this plan is that the people who currently operate the BCS would either be forced to change or would no longer have jobs.

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