Welcome to TSR

This blog was created by three college buddies/sport fanatics, Tim Harrington, Ken Harris and Brenden Regan.

TSR is named after the term the writers used to greet each other "what's up sausages?"

Thursday, September 30, 2010

And so it begins. 

This blog will be edited and updated by Tim Harrington, Ken Harris and myself, Brenden Regan. We are all 2010 graduates of Xavier University and all certified sports nuts. We are all biased and love/hate players for no good reason. After we graduated we found it necessary to e-mail each other daily to share anything interesting that we found in the sports world. Those e-mails eventually lead us to making a blog, posting things similar to the content of those e-mails. We do not claim to be sports journalists, rather we are fans who enjoy a funny video or an absurdly long Bill Simmons Column. 

Together we plan to scour the internet daily to find the most interesting and entertaining sports media and post it here on TSR. We will have features on a variety of sports topics such as,

-obscure saber-metric stats, for those of you who think UZR and VORP are government agencies
-throw back uniforms or uniform changes (why don't the bills just wear them every game?)
-fantasy football or baseball (although we are hoping to get a fantasy WNBA league next year)
-players who generally blow yet for some reason are still paid (Nick Punto)
-athletes getting in trouble with the law (looking at you Matt Jones)
-old time baseball and old time baseball statistics (see Old Hoss Radborn)
-and other awesome stuff

feel free to e-mail me any suggestions or rants, reganbrenden@gmail.com

Check out the video below, not quite Brent Barry from the foul line, but it will do
